Hymenoptera-Arthropod Orthomcl gene group summary
2012/January (ARP9, version arp11u11)
Gene Groups Genes Unique-spp Orthologous Proportions
nGroup OrGrp OrMis1 nGene Uniq1 UDup Orth1 OrDup pDup pOne
antc 9614 9329 116 15133 3378 1342 8751 1662 0.6 1.2
anth 9633 9291 107 15029 2943 1567 8710 1809 0.7 1.2
apis 8591 8560 170 10145 987 88 8182 888 0.2 0.9
bombi 8971 8962 56 9869 454 20 8674 721 0.1 0.9
bombt 8629 8619 138 9492 430 21 8334 707 0.1 0.9
wasp 10293 8983 92 24296 5446 6686 8239 3925 2.1 1.4
drosmel 8464 7636 187 14289 2824 2556 6994 1915 0.9 1.0
tribol 8893 8388 116 16985 4586 2163 7608 2628 1.0 1.2
aphid 10042 7479 377 38440 7045 13926 5524 11945 5.2 1.3
daphnia 9399 7249 486 30506 7736 12314 6345 4111 3.3 1.4
human 8190 6902 891 20238 3752 5491 4657 6338 2.4 0.8
antc, anth = Camponotus and Harpegnathos ants; apis = Apis mellifera;
bombi, bombt = Bombus impatiens, terrestris bumble bees
apis, bombi, bombt are from Ncbi refseq, deficient in duplicates and unique singletons by protocol
wasp = Nasonia vitripennis genes from evigene.pub11u.good set
nGroup = number of gene family groups (2+genes), orthology + species-unique
OrGrp = count of ortho groups (nGroup = OrGrp + unique paralog groups)
Uniq1 = species-unique single gene
UDup = species-unique duplicated paralog genes
Orth1 = count of single ortho gene
OrDup = count of duplicated ortho gene
OrMis1 = groups missing gene all others have (ignoring human)
pDup, pOne = proportion duplicated, singleton genes relative to median insect d:5000, s:10000
arp11u11: Common gene families presense, ncommon=8147, min taxa=6
Species Have Miss
wasp 7772 375
antc 7718 429
anth 7703 444
bombi 7666 481
apis 7515 632
bombt 7481 666
tribol 7153 994
drosmel 6803 1344
aphid 6388 1759
daphnia 6156 1991
human 5925 2222