EvidentialGene is a genome informatics project for
"Evidence Directed Gene Construction for Eukaryotes",
for constructing high quality, accurate gene sets for animals and plants (any eukaryotes),
being developed by Don Gilbert at Indiana University, gilbertd at indiana edu.
Construction refers to the combination of classical gene prediction, and more recent gene assembly
(de-novo and genome-assisted) methods.
The basic Evigene methods involve using available best-of-breed gene prediction and assembly
software, combining all evidence for genes, from expressed sequences, genome assembly sequences,
related species protein sequences, and any other, to annotate and score gene constructions.
Over-produced constructions are classified by gene evidence for best qualities per "locus",
including genome-aligned and gene-transcript aligned (genome-free) locus identification.
How to cite this work, and who else has, is in
All software developed for EvidentialGene is publicly available for use,
The best way to get and update is from