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About euGenes/EvidentialGene

EvidentialGene is a genome informatics project for "Evidence Directed Gene Construction for Eukaryotes", for constructing high quality, accurate gene sets for animals and plants (any eukaryotes), being developed by Don Gilbert at Indiana University, gilbertd at indiana edu.

Construction refers to the combination of classical gene prediction, and more recent gene assembly (de-novo and genome-assisted) methods. The basic Evigene methods involve using available best-of-breed gene prediction and assembly software, combining all evidence for genes, from expressed sequences, genome assembly sequences, related species protein sequences, and any other, to annotate and score gene constructions. Over-produced constructions are classified by gene evidence for best qualities per "locus", including genome-aligned and gene-transcript aligned (genome-free) locus identification.

How to cite this work, and who else has, is in /EvidentialGene/evigene/docs/evigene-cites.txt

All software developed for EvidentialGene is publicly available for use,
The best way to get and update is from

      Name                           Last modified       

[DIR] Parent Directory 05-Aug-2024 16:20 [TXT] About_EvidentialGene.html 16-May-2019 13:06 [TXT] About_EvidentialGene4th.html 18-Mar-2020 23:00 [DIR] config/ 27-Dec-2011 12:11 [DIR] docs/ 14-Jul-2023 17:19 [TXT] eugenes_proteome_y2k_sizes.txt 03-Dec-2012 01:37 [TXT] evigene_rnaseq_2012_stats.txt 06-Dec-2012 12:00 [TXT] evigene_rnaseq_denovo2012.txt 07-Jun-2012 21:29 [DIR] lib/ 03-Nov-2017 14:10 [DIR] scripts/ 19-Jul-2023 19:59

EvidentialGene Gene Set Reconstruction Software
Don Gilbert, gilbertd At indiana edu, 2018

=item ABOUT

About Evigene-R : genes assembled from RNA pieces
About evigene/scripts/
  evgpipe_sra2genes is an omnibus pipeline to reconstruct genes, using
  several EvidentialGene methods, starting at Public SRA database of RNA-Seq
  (but can start w/ own RNA), and finishing with publication quality,
  annotated gene sequences. The basic steps are outlined below.
  See SRA2Genes Test Drive below.

About evigene/scripts/prot/
  See also
  Too many transcript assemblies are much better than too few. It allows one
  then to apply biological criteria to pick out the best ones. Don't be
  misled by the "right number" of transcripts that one or other transcript
  assembler may produce. It is the "right sequence" you want, and now the
  only way to get it is to produce too many assemblies (an "over-assembly")
  from RNA data, with several methods and several parameter settings.
  EvidentialGene is a pipeline script for
  processing large piles of transcript assemblies, from several methods
  such as Velvet/Oases, Trinity, Soap, etc, into the most biologically useful
  "best" set of mRNA, classified into primary and alternate transcripts.
  It takes as input the transcript fasta produced by any/all of the
  transcript assemblers.  These are classified (not clustered) into valid,
  non-redundant coding sequence transcripts ("okay"), and and redundant,
  fragment or non-coding transcripts ("drop"). The okay set is close to a
  biologically real set regardless of how many millions of input assemblies
  you start with.
  It solves major problems in gene set reconstruction found in other methods:
  1. Others do not not classify alternate transcripts of same locus properly,
  Alternates may differ in protein quite a bit, but share identical exon parts.
  2. Others remove paralogs with high identity in protein sequence, which
  is a problem for some very interesting gene families.
  3. Others may select artifacts with insertion errors by selecting longest transcripts.
  Evigene works first with coding sequences.
  Quality assessment of this Transcript Assembly Software is
  described in

About Evigene-G : traditional genes modeled on genome
About evigene/scripts/

  This works on gene locations on chromosome assembly, in GFF v3 format tables.
  Gene models with overlapping CDS exons are "the same locus", each model has
  some form of evidence score, and the method picks out those models with
  highest evidence score.   The trick or trouble is mainly in applying
  various evidence scores, and their combination, to return the best models
  that a human expert would pick.

  See also evigene/docs/ for details

About Evigene-N : non-coding gene reconstruction
  in  progress
  See also evigene/docs/evigene_goals2015b.txt

About Evigene-H : gene reconstruction with hybrid of methods
  in  progress
  See also evigene/docs/evigene_goals2015b.txt


EvidentialGene software packaged as tar files are what you want, from here

EvidentialGene software in unpackaged form (lots of files) is here
  is same as evigene/docs/ in your copy of this package.
=item WHO USES IT?

  See evigene/docs/evigene-cites.txt


  See evigene/docs/evigene_plantsanimals_2017sum.txt


Extract the tar archive this way, into current folder, preserving run permission.
  tar -xf evigene.tar

Run the Perl ".pl" scripts from extracted evigene folder, as they are a package. 
  export evigene=`pwd`/evigene;  # Unix bash shell, or
  set evigene=`pwd`/evigene;     # Unix csh/tcsh shell
  $evigene/scripts/prot/ [options] ..; 
  $evigene/scripts/ [options]  .. ;
  $evigene/scripts/ [options]  .. ;

Required additional software
  You need these additional software for tr2aacds, installed in Unix PATH or via
  run scripts.
  * fastanrdb of exonerate package, quickly reduces perfect duplicate sequences  OR
  * cd-hit, cd-hit-est, clusters protein or nucleotide sequences. OR
  * blastn and makeblastdb of NCBI BLAST,
    Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, finds regions of local similarity between sequences. 

Most of the shell ".sh" scripts require editing for your cluster; consider
them examples. Perl scripts have brief -help, but most of their
documentation is perl POD. This is a complex package, including my working
scripts for several genome projects, some are obsolete now. One needs a
cheat-sheet to make sense of what is good and I am working on such.


SRA2Genes Test Drive, 2019-May

SRA2Genes is a full gene-set reconstruction pipeline, and includes
the well-used tr2aacds, and the other parts of Evigene needed for
complete gene set assembly, annotation and publication.

tr2aacds reduces a large, over-assembly of transcripts by using 
only self-referential coding-gene metrics.  That is very useful 
but also fairly limited and rough, in that it uses only the 
gene evidence from that transcript assembly.

The more complete gene reconstruction pipeline of SRA2Genes
brings in external gene evidence, notably the wealth of 
conserved gene information.  Genome biologists should consider 
using this SRA2Genes pipeline in place of tr2aacds.  

As configured now, this test starts at transcript assembly input,
step7, thru public gene set production, step10, and gene set
submission to TSA, step11. Later test drives will start from RNA-seq
inputs. See also evigene/docs/

When this test drive works for you, the sample data sets can be
replaced with your own transcript and reference gene sets for useful
results.  This basic SRA2Genes Test Drive will run for up to a few
hours on a minimal computer, e.g. on my Mac laptop in a Linux virtual
machine with 2 CPU.   

TR2AACDS only:
Try this test case with small input data (TAIR10 mRNA) and tr2aacds outputs,
It is worth your time to set up and run this with same input data to see
that you get same results.   

  env trset=arath_TAIR10_20101214up.cdna.gz datad=`pwd` ./
  env trset=arath_TAIR10_20101214up.cdna.gz datad=`pwd` qsub -q normal

You should be able to get same result from same Arabidopsis transcripts
input data file, and where problems appear, please consult a local computer
expert familiar with your cluster computer to resolve.  After you get that
test set working ok, running on your data set should be simpler.

=item BASIC USAGE of Evigene-R

  See steps in evigene/scripts/

  trset=$myspecies.cdna   # 1 fasta input file with many transcript sequences, assembled or otherwise
  evigene=/your/path/to/evigene #  where you un-tarred evigene.tar
  ncpu=1 # or 2 or 8      # 8 cpu probably enough, each uses 2+ GB memory
  maxmem=32000   # in megabytes, expect 2+GB per cpu, maybe more for complex large over-assemblies

STEP 1. get RNA-Seq data

STEP 4. run assemblers of RNA-seq, with kmer size options, other opts
    4a. velvet/oases, ~10 kmer steps
    4b. idba_tran, ~10 kmer steps
    4c. soap_trans, ~10 kmer steps
    4d. trinity / other / user choices

STEP 5., post process assembly sets

  subd=veloset   # velvet run directory with several velvet kmer subfolders
  $evigene/scripts/rnaseq/ -pre $myspecies -out trsets/$ -log -in $subd/vel*/transcripts.fa

  subd=idbaset   # idba run directory, several transcripts-kmer.fa outputs
  $evigene/scripts/rnaseq/ -pre $myspecies -out trsets/$ -log -in $subd/transcripts-*.fa

  Catenate all transcript sets to one file:
  cat trsets/*.tr > $myspecies.cdna
STEP 7. tr2aacds, reduce over-assembly to draft gene set

  $evigene/prot/ -tidy -NCPU $ncpu -MAXMEM $maxmem -log -cdna $myspecies.cdna

STEP 10. evgmrna2tsa,  produce public gene sequences 
  $myspecies.trclass is a result from STEP 7, tr2aacds
  $evigene/scripts/ -onlypubset -idprefix $myspeciesEVm -class $myspecies.trclass


Prerequisite is that you create transcript assemblies (with any/all
useful methods). This software reads all the transcripts.fasta you have,
chews on them and puts them into good and bad piles (with extras).

  0. collect input,
  You supply input transcript sequences in .fasta, an over-assembly with
  redundant and variable quality transcripts, as one file.  
  1. perfect redundant removal: exonerate/fastanrdb input.cds > input_nr.cds,
  and protein qualities are used for choosing among cds identicals.
  2. perfect fragment removal: cd-hit-est -c 1.0 -l $MINCDS ..
     Cluster  *identical coding sequences*, short and long, keep the longest
  3. blastn, basic local align hi-ident subsequences for alternate tr.,
  with -perc_identity CDSBLAST_IDENT (98%), to find high-identity
  exon-sized alignments.
  4. classify main/alternate cds, okay & drop subsets, using
  merges alignment table, protein-quality and identity, to score
  okay-main, ok-alt, and drop sets.
  5. final output files from outclass: okay-main, okay-alts, drops
  okayset is for public consumption.  The drop set of redundant, fragment,
  non-coding sequences, may contain valid coding sequences (more details).


    See STEP 5  of
    Use BEFORE tr2aacds to regularize IDs in fasta of
    Velvet,Soap,Trinity, ensure unique IDs, add prefixes for parameter sets. 
    See STEPs 8-9 of
    Use AFTER tr2aacds on okayset, add gene function names from
    UniProt-Ref and CDD blastp.  
    blastp -db refprots -query okay_all.aa  -outfmt 7  -out $name.blastp -refnames $refdb.names -blast $name.blastp
    See STEPs 8-9 of
    UniVec vector screening and NNN-end trimming, per NCBI or INSDC desires 
    See STEPs 10 of, See  evigene/docs/evgmrna2tsa_help.txt 
    make public mRNA gene set, with pubIDs,
    main/alternates, names and annotation, and Genbank TSA format for
    public submission  


How To get Best mRNA Transcript assemblies

  Please read this brief How-To document that summarizes my tests on best
  transcript assembly methods. It points out tips for assembly parameters,
  such as using scaffolding and multi-kmer settings (for Velvet, Soap,
  others that allow; not Trinity), that will improve your transcript

Best Assembler methods  
  Best assembly methods compared for mosquito genes
  has recent comparison of gene assembler accuracy,

EvidentialGene tr2aacds mRNA classifier description

  Classification is based mainly on CDS-dna local alignment identity.
  Perfect fragment CDS are dropped, those with some CDS base differences
  are kept, with longest CDS as primary transcript. UTR identity is
  ignored (for now) because many of the mis-assemblies are from
  joined/mangled genes in UTR region.

Error of selecting longest transcripts, as with CD-HIT-EST
  Selecting genes by longest transcripts is a mistake.

EvidentialGene ORF/protein computation
  update to evigene/docs/evigene_vs_transdecoder_arabidopsis.txt

  This document compares several ORF methods for recovering 
  proteins of well-constructed  Human RefSeq and Arabidopsis 
  reference genes. 

  EvidentialGene computes ORFs (proteins and coding sequences of
  those) in a standard way, and recovers reference proteins properly,
  as does NCBI's ORF calculator. Other methods do not do as well,
  mismodeling 10 to 20% of reference proteins, including TransDecoder
  and GeneMark methods.

Validating with RNA-Seq map-back 
  RNA-seq mapping methods are influenced strongly by presence of duplicated
  sequence spans, as with alternate transcripts and high identity paralogs.
  An accurate statistic of proper paired fragment mapping to a
  given transcript should give the same value regardless of whether
  alternates to that transcript exist.  

  TransRate, and some other RNA  map-back validation methods, produce
  inaccurate statistics, that are influenced by presence/absence of other
  biological alternates and paralogs.


Developed at the Genome Informatics Lab of Indiana University Biology Department