GNODES_ABOUT(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation GNODES_ABOUT(1) ABOUT GNODES EvidentialGene Gnodes programs are for genome coverage depth estimation of animal & plant genomes. Gnodes is a Genome Depth Estimator for animal and plant genomes, also a genome size estimator. It calculates genome sizes based on DNA coverage of assemblies, using unique, conserved gene spans for its standard depth. Results of this tool match the independent measures from flow cytometry of genome size quite well in tests with plants and animals. Tests on a range of model and non-model animal and plant genome assemblies give reliable and accurate results, in contrast to unreliable K-mer histogram methods. Gnodes produces detailed assessments of genome assemblies to aid improvments, including measures of major components of genes, transposons, duplicated and unique genome regions, and an assembly accuracy assessment of all genes in the genome. Genome reconstruction is a Goldilocks problem: answers are often too hot, or too cold; the just-right solution takes effort to discriminate among these outcomes. Gnodes provides a thermometer to measure hot and cold genome assemblies. When used to compare several assemblies of one organism, it spots over- and under-assembled portions, relative to its unique gene DNA depth measure. It can be used to estimate genome size from gene coding sequences mapped with genomic DNA, and these tests show it is reliable for that. Gnodes is now a component of the EvidentialGene package. Public URL: GNODES USAGE $evigene/scripts/genoasm/ -title output_prefix -chr chr_assembly.fasta -cds cds.fasta : required -reads SRRnnnn_1.fastq : required, may be many files, -reads SRR01_[12].fastq SRR02_[12].fastq options: -asmid chr_assembly : usually chr_assembly name as in -chr fasta -metadata genomes.metadata : information for each asmid (below) -idclasses cdste.idclass : table of classes per cds/te ID: CDS,TE,UNK and modifiers: UCG,busco, .. -cds may be replaced with -mrna genes.fasta [???] -te te.fasta : optional input transposon.fa sequences, or will use RepeatMasker -ncpu 24 : number-of-threads to use -maxmem 240gb : maximum computer memory -RDMAPPER=bwa-mem2|minimap2 : one of a few read-mapper applications that are known to gnodes_pipe generates a shell script, using input file names and options. The calls several component Evigene scripts with those inputs, suited for cluster computers. does no computations, and is safe to run on non-cluster machine. : Compute cluster and Unix system settings to be included at top of GNODES REQUIRED SOFTWARE Read mapper, bwa-mem2 or minimap2 currently, from , samtools from NCBI BLAST, from BUSCO, and hmmer software, Orthodb data for species, version 3 okay, other versions need test, from, RepeatMasker to find transposons/repeats, or transposon sequences, from and EvidentialGene, evigene21jul30.tar or later, from R statistical package is used to draw summary, chromosome plots. GNODES PIPELINE STEPS sh_setup() STEP 1. Annotations of Genes, TE on chr_assembly sh_repeatmask() if($doREPMASK and not $teseq) sh_buscoscan() if($doBUSCO and $cdsseq) sh_annot($OUTSH,$chrasm,$cdsseq,$teann,$crclassf,$buscout); uses EVIGENES/genoasm/ annotate includes chr x cds aligns via NCBI BLASTN STEP 2. DNA mapping ($gnbam)= ($cdsseq)? sh_dnamap($OUTSH,$cdsseq,$reads,@morereads) : 0; ($tebam)= ($teseq )? sh_dnamap($OUTSH,$teseq,$reads,@morereads) : 0; ($crbam)= ($chrasm)? sh_dnamap($OUTSH,$chrasm,$reads,@morereads) : 0; STEP 3. Tabulate read coverages ($genescovtab)= sh_sam2genecov($OUTSH, $gnbam, ..) ; uses EVIGENES/genoasm/ ($cdstab,$cdsreadids)= sh_sam2covtab($OUTSH, 'cds', $gnbam, $crclassf); ($tetab,$tereadids) = sh_sam2covtab($OUTSH, 'te', $tebam, $crclassf); ($chrcovtab) = sh_sam2covtab($OUTSH, 'chr', $crbam, $crclassf, $cdsteids); uses EVIGENES/genoasm/ STEP 3 UPD21OCT: readid tables are obsolete, too memory-piggy, pig genome crashed node w/ 240 Gb mem now sam2covtab reads both chr.bam and cds.bam (or cdste.bam) for paired read maps NOTE: chr.bam and cds.bam must be same read.fq/fa set mapped in same read order, which gnodes_pipe does STEP 4: Summarize ($sumcds)= sh_covsum($OUTSH, $cdstab, $cdsid, $cdsid, "", $crclassf, $genescovtab, ..); ($sumout)= sh_covsum($OUTSH, $chrcovtab, $asmid, $intitle, $anntable, $crclassf, $genescovtab); uses EVIGENES/genoasm/ ($gsumout)= sh_sumgenescov($OUTSH, $genescovtab, $chrgenetab, $asmid, $intitle, $crclassf); uses EVIGENES/genoasm/ Steps may be changed, updated. OUTPUT TABLES STEP1. Annotations of genes_buscofull_table.tsv = table of unique conserved genes as classified by BUSCO chr.gaps.gff genes.idclass rmout/chrasm.fa.out and chrasm.fa.rmte.gff : RepeatMasker TE/RPT locations chr.anntab : chrasm location bins with annotations of CDS, busco/UCG, TE, RPT, other and gene ids -- chr ID, Pos columns match read cover table columns STEP2. BAM alignment files of chr,cds x read set STEP3a. Gene coverage/copy table, cdsname_SRRreads.genexcopy 1. Top summary with Uniq Gene Cov Depth statistics calculated from genes cover table # UCG Class Genes >= 1k long, 606 of 13954 total ---------------------- # Uniq Gene Cov Depth n=606, C.Map/W=32.3, 32.4 +/-1.32 (mdn,ave,sem) for W.genes=1142283, LN.reads=41565500 # Genome_size= 175.8 Mb of L*N/C= 125 * 45376972 / 32.3, CDS_size= 24.4 Mb, # for Nr.ucgcds=6299346 (13.9%), Nr.allcds=6299346 (13.9%),, Lrdlen=125, MapErr=3641603 (0.52%), 2. Genes cover table, with columns Gene_ID Glen = gene ID, CDS length Nread = number of reads mapped Rdlen = sum of read-bases mapped to gene (~ Nread * Readlen - unmapped) tCopy = gene cover depth / UCG Cover depth (at top), eg tCopy = 1.0 = 31 CM / 32.3 (UCG.CM) C.M = gene cover depth, median of coverage over span Uniq = class of gene: uniq=1c, dupx=2+c, dups=partial-dup, skew=uneven coverage, zero=below minimal cover Merr = mapping error (mismapped bases/aligned bases) = gene cover depth average, median, bases, pct-cover S.Dup,Unq,Nt,Equ,UCG = reads counts of dupl, uniq, total, equal types, and UCG gene flag Gene_ID Glen Nread Rdlen tCopy C.M Uniq Merr S.Dup,Unq,Nt,Equ,UCG dromel6:g10178777t1 327 97 12125 1.0 31 uniq 0.0 31.1,32,327,100.0 0,10160,10160,10160 dromel6:g10178781t1 204 70 8750 0.8 27 uniq 0.1 27.4,26,204,100.0 0,5595,5595,5595 dromel6:g10178782t1 171 40 5000 0.7 21 uniq 0.5 21.5,22,171,100.0 0,3676,3676,3676 dromel6:g10178941t1 642 552 69000 2.8 89 dupx 0.3 89.1,91,642,100.0 0,57171,57172,57095 dromel6:g117463t1 519 140 17500 0.9 30 dups 0.1 744.8,651,503,96.9 359140,15518,374659,0 dromel6:g14462699t1 642 231 28875 1.1 35 skew 4.5 70.4,28,642,100.0 22212,22703,45189,12741 dromel6:g10178912t1 186 0 0 0.0 0 zero 0 0,0,0,0.0 0,0,0,0 STEP3b. Coverage tables for cds, chr sequences name_SRRreads_tag.cc8a.chrtab = read counts per chromosome/scaffold/gene_ID, uniq and dupl, nmap= total read mappings, with duplicates, nuniq = uniquely mapped, nmult = dupl. mappings, nmread = total read IDs (<= total mappings), nomap = reads not mapped (0 for chr IDs). #ChrID chrlen nmap nuniq nmult nmread nomap NC_004353.4 1348131 20115181 379717 19735464 444193 0 NC_004354.4 23542271 1385190987 6136826 1379054161 7047905 0 name_SRRreads_tag.cc8a.covtab = read counts per 100 base bins, on chr/gene, where aCovT aCovM aCovU = coverage counts Total, Mean, Unique at each assembly bin position and CovT,CovM,CovU are now CDS/TE/UNK-linked-read coverage counts #ChrID Pos CovT CovM CovU aCovT aCovM aCovU NC_004353.4 100 0 0 0 1009 0 0 NC_004353.4 200 0 0 0 1619 5 0 chrname_SRRreads_tag.genetab -- counts aCovT,aCovM, noCov are for CDS-mapped readIDs also mapped (or not) to chr_assembly -- gene IDs in column 1, then similar ChrID,Pos to name_SRRreads_tag.cc8a.covtab #GeneID ChrID Pos aCovT aCovM noCov dromel6:g10178777t1 NC_004354.4 1848600 1 1 0 dromel6:g10178777t1 NT_033777.3 17420600 1 1 0 dromel6:g10178777t1 NT_033777.3 17420700 26 26 0 dromel6:g10178777t1 NT_033777.3 17420800 31 31 0 dromel6:g10178777t1 sumgene 1 115 115 0 STEP4. Summaries chrname_SRRreads_tag_sum.txt and .means -- summary table with read coverage depth of partition classes: annotations by CDS, TE, Repeat, and unique, duplicated, CDS mapped reads. Associated .means table of summary statistics. chrtitle_genesum.txt -- gene copy number summary from genetab Summaries now include R plots of a. deficit summary for chr-asm and gene-copy nums, as bar plot b. chr-coverage plots (longest 20 chr/scaffolds) with gene-cds, TE, repeats and duplicated regions METADATA FOR ASSEMBLIES asmid= assembly ID, often name of chrseq.fasta file flowcyto= flow cytometry genome size asmtotal= Chr assembly size, for _total summary asmname= Label for asmid species= Genus_species buscodb= OrthoDB database name for BUSCO calculation rmaskdb= RepeatMasker database Examples asmid=arath18tair_chr flowcyto=157-166 Mb asmtotal=120 Mb asmname=Arath18TAIR species=Arabidopsis_thaliana buscodb=embryophyta_odb9 rmaskdb=Arabidopsis asmid=drosmel6ref_chr asmtotal=143.7 Mb flowcyto=156-176 Mb asmname=DrosMel14 species=Drosophila_melanogaster buscodb=arthropoda_odb9 rmaskdb=arthropoda asmid=human20ash_chr asmtotal=3109 Mb asmname=Human20AshJH flowcyto=3423-3423 Mb species=Homo_sapiens buscodb=metazoa_odb9 rmaskdb=human EXAMPLE PLANT DNA samples: SRR10178325 of Bioproject PRJNA574113, Illumina HiSeq 4000, 19.8M spots, 6G bases Whole genome seq of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf, homozygous of Col-0 strain SRR3703081 of PRJNA314706, 4.8G bases, F1 heterozygote of Col-0 and Cvi-0 strains. CDS gene sequences used a. arath18tair1cds.fa, TAIR 2018, chr-asm modelled, isoform 1 only b. arath17evg5ico1cds.fa, Evigene RNA-assembled 2017, isoform 1 only CDS set b is used for assembly comparisons as it is independent of the chr-assemblies, has more unique conserved genes, though is otherwise similar to chr-modelled gene set. Gnodes gene results are similar though the alternate 2020 Max assembly has slighly greater recovery of Evigene set than that modeled on TAIR 18 chr assembly. Reference chr-assembly = arath18tair_chr Total length: 119.7 Mb Alternate chr-assembly = arath20max_chr Submitter: Max-Planck Institute For Developmental Biology, 2020/09/12 Total length: 130.2 Mb pt=arath18tair_chr; pt=arath20max_chr; $evigene/scripts/genoasm/ -title ${pt}8evg -chr $pt.fa -cds arath17evg5ico1cds.fa \ -sumdata arath20asm.metad -ncpu 32 -maxmem 180gb -RDMAPPER=bwa-mem2 -reads readsf/SRR10178325_[12].fastq.gz EXAMPLE FLY DNA sample of PRJNA618654 VETMEDUNI VIENNA, Drosophila melanogaster, 2020-11-25 SRR11460802 (Illumina HiSeq 2500) run: 22.7M spots, 5.7G bases wget -nd -q -b sratoolkit/fastq-dump --qual-filter-1 --split-3 SRR11460802 CDS gene sequences: dromel6rel_cds.fa, dromel ncbi refseq of rel. 6, isoform=1 only Reference chr-assembly = drosmel6ref_chr Assembly name: Release 6 plus ISO1 MT; BioProject: PRJNA13812; GenBank accession: GCA_000001215.4 Submitter: The FlyBase Consortium/Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project/Celera Genomics, 2014-08-01 Total sequence length: 143.7 Mb Alternate chr-assembly = drosmel20pi_chr BioProject: PRJNA618654; GenBank accession: GCA_015852585.1 Submitter: VetMedUni Vienna, 2020/12/08 Total sequence length: 167.8 Mb pt=drosmel6ref_chr; pt=drosmel20pi_chr; $evigene/scripts/genoasm/ -title $pt -chr $pt.fa -cds dromel6rel_cds.fa \ -metadata drosmelchr.metad -ncpu 24 -maxmem 128gb -reads readsf/SRR11460802_[12].fastq EXAMPLE HUMAN DNA sample name: HiSeq2500_LAB01_Mother_REP01, PRJNA200694, Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500 SRR12898282 527M spots, 132.8G bases, 2020-10-26, 126bp CDS gene sequences: human18nc_cds1t.fa, human ncbi refseq of 2018, isoform=1 only Reference chr-assembly = human19grc_chr.fa Assembly Name: GRCh38.p13, BioProject PRJNA31257, GenBank accession: GCF_000001405.39 Submitter: Genome Reference Consortium, 2019/02/28 Total sequence length: 3,099 Mb (2,948 Mb ungap) Alternate chr-assembly = human20ash_chr.fa Assembly Name: Ash1.7, BioProject PRJNA607914, GenBank accession: GCA_011064465.1 Submitter: Johns Hopkins University, 2020/03/04 Total sequence length: 3,109 Mb (3,026 Mb ungap) pt=human19grc_chr; pt=human20ash_chr; $evigene/scripts/genoasm/ -title $pt -chr $pt.fa \ -cds human18nc_cds1t.fa -metadata human20asm.metad \ -ncpu 32 -maxmem 240gb -RDMAPPER=bwa-mem2 -reads readsf/SRR12898282_[12].fastq.gz GNODES_SETUP.SH ## --- example for sbatch/Slurm --- #SBATCH --job-name="gnodes_pipe" #SBATCH --output="gnodes_pipe.%j.log" #SBATCH --partition=general #SBATCH -t 12:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32 #SBATCH --mem=240G #SBATCH --export=ALL # samtools and read mappers bwa or minimap2 are required # NCBI BLAST (n,p makeblastdb) for annotations # BUSCO v 3.0.2 is tested version, later versions may not work w/o gnodes_pipe or run_script changes # R is optional, used for summary and chromosome plots module load blast module load samtools module load repeatmasker module load busco/3.0.2 module load R ## alternate read mappers, similar results but slight difference in dupl map counts bwabin=$HOME/bio/bwa/bin; export PATH=$bwabin:$PATH; export RDMAPPER=bwa-mem2 # mimbin=$HOME/bio/gnomutil/flye28/bin; export PATH=$mimbin:$PATH; export RDMAPPER=minimap2 ## --- end ---