Gnodes/Genome Depth Estimator 2021.jan Evigene package for genome coverage depth estimation for animal & plant genomes Summary of results Insects Dropse 20 UC Apismel 19 Ha Part Obs.Mb Est.Mb xCopy Obs.Mb Est.Mb xCopy -------- ---------------------- ---------------------- Flowcyto 161-180 . . 234-264 . . LN/C Est . 168 . . 267 . Totalasm 163 164 . 224 222 . Measured 163 164 1.00 223 221 0.99 uniqasm 129 130 1.00 213 188 0.88 dupasm 34 34 1.02 9.4 33.5 3.56 CDSann 31 33 1.04 50 56 1.12 TEann 26 23 0.89 3.6 5.2 1.45 RPTann . . . 38 47 1.24 NOann 109 111 1.02 141 126 0.89 -------- ---------------------- ---------------------- Size=LN/C C=94, N=105 Mb, L=150 C=25, N=50 Mb, L=150 Plants Arath 18 TAIR Arath 20 Max Cucumber 19 CGI Cucumber 20 PCC Part Obs.Mb Est.Mb xCopy Obs.Mb Est.Mb xCopy Obs.Mb Est.Mb xCopy Obs.Mb Est.Mb xCopy ------- --------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- Flowcyto 157-166 . . 157-166 . . 372-509 . . 372-509 . . LN/C Est . 156 . . 156 . . 441 . . 441 . Totalasm 120 154 . 130 158 . 227 414 . 342 437 . Measured 115 149 1.30 126 154 1.22 225 412 1.84 289 384 1.33 uniqasm 98 104 1.07 108 104 0.96 181 203 1.12 183 172 0.94 dupasm 16.9 44.3 2.62 17.3 49.6 2.86 43 209 4.85 106 212 2.00 CDSann 42 57 1.37 45 57 1.28 41 48 1.15 50 47 0.93 TEann 16.4 17.2 1.05 20 19 0.94 6.7 10.6 1.59 11.7 10.3 0.88 RPTann 4.7 20.9 4.44 8.2 21.5 2.61 14.0 34.1 2.44 18.4 33.6 1.83 NOann 54 70 1.28 58 72 1.25 165 323 1.96 213 297 1.39 ------- ---------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- Size=LN/C C=52, N=54M, L=150 C=52, N=54M, L=150 C=25, N=74M, L=150 C=25, N=74M, L=150 Key: Flowcyto genome size measured with flow cytometry LN/C Est genome size estimate formula: Length of reads x Number of reads / Cover depth of reads Totalasm total assembly (measured assembly plus unmeasurable extra) Measured measured assembly uniqasm asm with unique gDNA dupasm asm with multimap gDNA cdsasm asm with CDS-mapped gDNA teasm asm with TE-mapped gDNA unkasm asm with UnclassRepeats-mapped gDNA CDSann asm with CDS annotations CDSbus asm with unique conserved CDS (BUSCO) TEann asm with Transposons NOann asm without annotations C, C_UCG = read copy depth measured for unique conserved genes xCopy = excess/deficit in read copy depth: C_part/C_UCG, depth at partition / depth at uniq conserved genes. Obs.Mb = partition size in megabases, Est.Mb = estimated size: observed * xCopy Genome assemblies ==================================================================================================