evigene22may07.tar ------------------ extract to evigene/ with: tar -xf evigene22may07.tar Update to mainly Gnodes portion of EvidentialGene (evigene22jan14). Some small corrections to that 1st stable release of Gnodes. Gnodes is described at http://arthropods.eugenes.org/EvidentialGene/other/gnodes/ with a paper in draft form soon to be available. Please comment to me/project if you try out Gnodes, evidentialgene@googlegroups.com If you have problems with it, they will be fixed as soon as possible. NEW: These scripts are used in Gnodes doc results; some will be incorporated in later updates to main gnodes_pipleline scripts/genoasm/gnodes_std2genecov.pl .. alternate to gnodes_sam2genecov.pl that uses output of samtools depth instead of using sam/bam files directly. It is faster, has some small diff with gnodes_sam2genecov.pl, but essentially same calculations. .. gnodesqwik variants use gnodes_std2genecov.pl, samtools depth, .. they are faster by 2x or more than main gnodes_pipe methods, but are as yet incomplete variants of gnodes_pipe. An expert may want to do as I did, use gnodes_pipe.pl for first run on a given genome assembly, then run_gnodesqwik for other DNA samples testing same assembly. scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_gnodesqwik.sh scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_gnodesqwik_at1k.sh scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_gnodesqwik_at1ksw.sh scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_gnodesqwikvl.sh .. run kmer and mgse alternate GSE software scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_gnokmers.sh scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_gnokmers_at1k.sh scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_gnokmers_atvlr.sh scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_testmgse.sh scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_rdecontam.sh .. rdecontam.sh removes reads of DNA sample that align to contaminant sequences scripts/genoasm/gnodes_work/run_srafetchfa.sh .. fetch SRA readset from NCBI (using sratoolkit) Updated from 22Jan release: scripts/genoasm/cds_meanvar.pl scripts/genoasm/gnodes_chrplot.R scripts/genoasm/gnodes_covsum.pl scripts/genoasm/gnodes_pipe.pl scripts/genoasm/gnodes_sam2covtab.pl scripts/genoasm/gnodes_sam2genecov.pl scripts/genoasm/gnodes_sumgenecov.pl